(i used to) organize my reading

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# idea
# favorites
# graph theory
# fairness
# miscellaneous theory
# coding theory
# watermarking language models
# structured encryption
# differential privacy
# law and cs
# online voting
# internet
# want to read
# operating systems
# want to read

# idea

I used to try to keep a list of every (academic) paper I’ve read and enjoyed. But that was kinda crazy, so I’ve stopped.

# favorites

My all-time favorite papers, for one reason or another. No particular order.

# graph theory

Primarily stuff about random sampling of spanning trees or graph partitions.

# fairness

Theoretical computer-scientific methods aimed at ameliorating social/civic issues.

# miscellaneous theory

Pseudorandomness, complexity theory, computability theory, algorithms, etc.

# coding theory

Codes are sets (whose elements are codewords) which have a variety of applications — data compression, error correction, cryptography, etc. Most of these papers have to do with fingerprinting codes, which can aid anti-piracy enforcement by identifying users who pirate digital content.

# watermarking language models

How can we use (cryptographic) techniques to ensure that we can distinguish between text coming from an LLM vs. a human? How do these techniques connect to steganography, a cryptographic primitive for hiding secret text in ostensibly innocuous covertext?

# structured encryption

How can we use cryptographic techniques to allow clients to store private data on an untrustworthy server, and allow them to query their data without their queries or responses being seen by the server?

cryptography and machine learning

Mostly from Aloni’s crypto seminar in Spring 2024.

# differential privacy

A differentially-private algorithm is a randomized function of a dataset whose outputs shouldn’t change much whether or not your data is in the dataset.

# law and cs

Mostly related to data privacy law and questions about what data deletion should mean.

# online voting

I went down a rabbit hole about whether we can run fair/secure elections online. Turns out it’s hard!

# internet

Mostly from a networks class I took with Ben Zhao. We read some of the original Internet papers (near the bottom of this list) and worked our way up to modern stuff.

# want to read

These are some papers I don’t want to forget about, but haven’t yet read.

# operating systems

From a class on Operating Systems I took with Kexin Pei.

# want to read

Interesting articles that I want to read….